Shoes, booze and boys with tattoos... ♥

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

After much frustration... there is a break through! (Thank god for college friends)

After weeks of frustration, and being disheartened with my FMP.  A sign of inspiration came through in the form of two old friends in the pub.

While being back home over the Easter break I met up with to old college friends at one of my favorite pubs back home.  They are also studying BA (hons) Illustration at Birmingham Uni, we were discussing our FMP's and I was telling them about how my tutors felt that my painting wasn't the way to go and that I should use a different process, and to say they were shocked was an understatement "You've been painting forever, what do they mean they have never seen you paint? Just because they don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist".

I actually showed them my painted Illustrations which I did at the start of the project, followed by my 'transferred onto skin' illustrations. They were much more impressed with the painted illustrations than the 'transferred onto skin' illustrations.
There and then I decided to go back to my painted illustrations, I've always felt that they have captured The Demon Girl book far better. I would rather stay to what I feel is true to the book, and do what I enjoy doing for my final weeks at uni.

Lets get painting ...

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